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Ditching the Fairy Tale: No Prince Charming needed!

Oct 19

4 min read




“You find a man, fall in love, and you’ll be happy together. He should be someone who takes care of you and who provides for you financially.”

But why would a woman need such a man? Why does everyone feel that a woman can’t take care of herself? No offence, gentlemen, but most of us are more hard-working, capable, and intelligent than the male population.

For many of us, this could be the romantic dream: a prince on a white horse, galloping towards you with the wind in his hair. But life isn’t a Jane Austen novel, and the reality is that if there is any prince on a white horse, he’s probably crawling on a sickly old turtle that’s lost its way six times. By the time he reaches you, you’ll be an old, sad lady with eight cats, and many men will have passed through your life in the meantime.

Men who, at first glance, seem like the perfect choice, but after a few months, you find out they’re liars, cheaters, narcissists, emotionally immature, or still tied to their mother’s apron strings. And if you’re really unlucky, it’ll be one man with all these qualities combined. Why is it still seen as necessary for a woman to have a partner, and if she’s single – by choice – there must be something wrong with her? If you’re without a partner for too long, you’re considered bitter, strange, like there’s something wrong with you. I’m almost surprised people don’t throw tomatoes at you while waving flaming torches. You’re nearly treated as if you’re a witch, while a single man is seen as a competent, intelligent individual who simply hasn’t been lucky enough to meet the right woman. It’s a bit unbalanced, isn’t it?

In any case, I believe none of us should be pressured into anything we don’t want. If there are women who feel they’ve found their “Mr Right,” then that's good for them, and that’s wonderful. Some relationships really do work. But if you’re like me, a woman who’s fed up with men and thinks that finding a normal one is an almost impossible task, and you’ve given up, that’s perfectly fine, too. Men occasionally fix things, and some of them are good in bed, but beyond that, they don’t serve much purpose. Most of the time, they stress us out, argue with us, and leave behind a trail of crumbs and dirty laundry wherever they go. They leave little trails like snails.

Sure, there might be a Mr Right out there somewhere, but isn’t it far better to focus on yourself in the meantime? If someone appears, that’s great, but we should let things come to us naturally. Dating sites are full of life’s veterans, who, at an age when most women already know what they want, are still trying to figure out what they actually expect from life. You’ll find profiles with things like “I’m fifty and still don’t know what I want” or “Looking for a serious relationship, but short-term is fine too.”

Do we really need this? In most cases, it’s like dating a child trapped in a man’s body. When we’re single, there are so many benefits, and we can achieve so much. Every woman can focus on herself. We live in the 21st century, and most of us know exactly what we want from life. There’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, I believe it’s one of the strongest choices a woman can make. Being single isn’t a failure, but rather a conscious and brave decision.

Choosing not to follow the crowd, but to step out of it, is always highly valued – especially by the person who made that choice. Sometimes, fear of being alone keeps us trapped in this socially acceptable cage. However, most people in relationships are unhappy, and very few of those who are single by choice find themselves in the same situation. Those who choose to breathe their own air are usually the people who know exactly what they want from life and fully understand that they are not alone, because they have themselves. And they can achieve great things if they put their mind to it. The most complex decisions in life are often the ones that bring us the greatest results, and self-love is a powerful thing. Many of us, after ending one relationship, look for “painkillers” in the form of another man, but remember, we attract what we are. If we are content with ourselves, strong and independent, it’s highly likely we will attract people with the same mindset, and we’ll send the energy vampires away before they even step into our world. Don’t be afraid to love yourself – it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. Self-love, in reasonable amounts, is healthy!

Women should focus on their own personal growth and stop caring about what everyone else thinks. The most important person is you, and no one but you should be responsible for your successes. Living up to society’s, friends’, or family’s expectations will only make you unhappy if it goes against your own beliefs.

Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all path. Some of us may find happiness in a relationship with a man who will be our partner and support. But if we discover that true fulfilment comes from building a life on our own terms and values, that is an equally valid choice. Whether with a partner or without, the key is recognising our own worth.

So, let’s stop worrying about what society, family, or friends expect from us. The most important thing is our own convictions and decisions that lead us to a fulfilled life. We are strong, capable, and fully competent to shape our own destiny – whether someone is walking beside us or not.

-Anna Rajmon

Oct 19

4 min read





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